Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Halloween: Costumes and Zombies

I love Halloween. I love the movies it brings out and the events that precede it. However, I've come to an understanding with myself that I dislike haunted houses anymore and I am perfectly okay with that. However, two of my most favorite things about Halloween are:

1. Costumes: I love Halloween costumes. This is a new found interest as of this year and Leg Avenue has become a staple of my closet now. I have managed to start a quite lovely collection of classy, yet slutty outfits that I absolutely adore. I believe the fiance does so as well.

2. Zombies: I have always loved zombies. Always. The living dead are truly phenomenal. The blood, the guts, the gore, the agony - everything makes me want to be there, bashing their heads in with banjos or chopping them off with hedge clippers along side Woody Harrelson. Perhaps it's the thought of killing something without the guilt.

This Halloween will be celebrated with a day spent alone finishing decorating our outside then a night with the fiance, the dog, cat and rabbit while we hand out candy and eat fondue. Mmm.


Lifestyle Lookbook said...

Haha please let me know if you have any suggestions for a "classy, yet slutty outfit" that I can get away with wearing to a Halloween party...where my ex and his new girlfriend will be.

PS. Thanks for your comment - it's very reassuring...but I assume you have the chemistry now, right?

JennyMac said...

fondue on Halloween? We will be trick or treating at your house.

Holly said...

i love Halloween too... not so much on the zombies though...