Upon browsing for news jobs for the fiance last night, I took notice in a position that I felt would definitely fit in with the degree I'm pursuing in Environmental Management. The position? Environmental Services Assistant I and even Environmental Services Assistant II! I was ecstatic. I knew that the likelihood of me being qualified with only 4 general education classes fully under my belt was slim, but I wanted to know what was out there.
I clicked the level 1 position and the job was no longer to be found. It had been removed after 3 days. I was devastated. I clicked the level 2 position. Removed as well. Still determined to at least uncover this precious gem, I entered the title into Google. It was found! My excitement rose again. Until I found the job description.
The duties? Dusting. Sweeping. Taking out the trash. Cleaning toilets. Picking up after patients (it was at a hospital.) Everything that I hated doing in my own household was lumped into some poorly named job that was never someone's dream. Environmental Services? Where?! I do not see the ties between the two. Please tell me how taking out someone's trash is assisting the environment. Unless I am supposed to sift through it and decide what's recyclable. If that is the case, please respect my decision when I tell you I do not care about the environment enough to go through someone else's garbage. Especially from a hospital.
Disappointed, I moved forward and decided that I should start looking at all jobs from now on. Even those that are entitled "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis Researcher," because they just might be something I'm qualified for.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
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don't you love all the creativity used now for jobs? I received a resume recently from:
Special Projects Director
lol! did you just make up that super long word? good luck on the job hunt.
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis Researcher?
I used to be one of those....
JennyMac: I do! Do they really think they'll actually slip it by us?
Holly Ann: I did not! See the comment below, she was one! (Or not, but the word means "an obscure term ostensibly referring to a lung disease caused by silica dust, sometimes cited as one of the longest words in the English language" according to Dictionary.com.
Blognut: I envy you!
a rose by any other name is still a rose.
Just stopped by from SITS to say hi; hope you'll do the same.
LOl good luck on the hunt though
Kate x
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